Oil Paintings

So this is a list of my oil paintings I have so far. More will come as I create some more.
 This is called "Early Rise." Sorry for the texture look from the photograph. It doesn't have that texture look in the original. If you want to see how it is, feel free to go to my Artist Rising page on artistrising.com. This original is up for sale through Artist Rising.
 This one is called "Escape from Hell." I created this piece last year just out of fun. Originally I just had a Pegasus and had no idea what to do with the background. That's when I came up with the fire look in the background. This picture is up for sale on the website Artist Rising.
This one I called, "Mystical." It was a painting I did back in my Senior year of High School. This one is up for sale on Artist Rising also.
This one is called, "On the Prowl." I love this painting. Never had painted a dragon before, so I decided one day to give it a try. It turned out amazing and now sits in a frame on one of the walls at my parents' house.

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